
ENC Designer and SeeMyENC integrate AML 3.0 draft portrayal

The November 2014 releases of ENC Designer and SeeMyENC support the latest draft AML Portrayal Specification that was made available by UKHO.

In August 2014 UKHO approached producers of AML production or exploitation software and provided them with the new Draft Portrayal Specification for the presentation of AML 3.0 data. The industry was invited to incorporate this specification into viewing tools.

The screen dumps below show two examples how AML 3 data is presented in SevenCs free viewer SeeMyENC observing the new portrayal rules.

SevenCs can confirm the technical feasibility of the specification. We are glad to be able to provide tools that can be used by organizations that want to make a proper assessment of the proposed AML presentation in order to provide comments or feedback to UKHO. This will allow realistic testing of the specification using actual AML data.

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