
Nautilus ECDIS Kernel

We are happy to officially announce that our new Software Development Kit “Nautilus Kernel” is now available in C# and Linux openSUSE 42.2.

The Nautilus Kernel had his kick-off beginning this year and is the new “flagship” from SevenCs in regards to S-100 and modern hardware-accelerated rendering methods.

Nautilus is S-100 ready and can be used to read, access, and write S-101 next generation ENCs. As soon as the S-100 working group provides a stable version of an S-101 portrayal catalogue the display functionality will be added.

The IHO development status of the S-101 product specification is advanced enough to enable the production of datasets for the IHO S-100/S-101 testbed but the portrayal rules have not been quite finished yet.

Therefore the Nautilus Kernel provides functions for reading existing IHO S-57 data, decryption of IHO S-63, chart management, and visualization according to the S-52 presentation library.

This approach enables OEM manufacturer and companies to be able to work with the current standards and in the same breath to be prepared for the new challenges which coming towards the maritime industry and their products.

We are delighted to offer our customers with a free evaluation license for our new Nautilus Kernel to obtain a first impression of our advanced Software Development Kit.  

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